Public exhibition & community consultation Reclassification of former

Public exhibition & community consultation

Reclassification of former road reserves as operational land


Nambucca Valley Council has resolved to exhibit a proposed resolution to classify the recently acquired Lot 1 DP 1310874 – Lower Buckra Bendinni Road, Buckra Bendinni & Lots 1 & 2 DP 1290686 Rodeo Drive, Wirrimbi as operational land in accordance with Section 31 of the Local Government Act 1993.


The land proposed to be classified as operational was formally public road reserve. As a result of road realignments to make our roads safer, the sections of road are no longer required. Instead of acquiring land for the new road alignments from the adjoining owners through purchase, agreement has been reached to undertake a land swap whereby the Council transfers the ownership of the redundant sections of road reserve to the adjoining owner and the adjoining owner transfers the section of their land required for the new road alignment to Council.


The proposed resolution is on exhibition from 26 March – 24 April 2025. Written submissions are encouraged during this period.


Please note that any submission may be incorporated in a Council business paper or otherwise publicly disclosed. Submissions should be addressed to the General Manager, Nambucca Valley Council, PO Box 177, Macksville NSW 2447 or


Sandys Crossing Plan(PDF, 398KB)

Rodeo Drive Plan(PDF, 2MB)