Emergency Contacts

The primary number to call for emergency assistance from any phone in Australia is Triple Zero (000) - unless you are hearing or speech impaired, in which case the number is 106.  Please click on the above link to find out more about this important service.

In order to stay informed you can:

Tune in to your local emergency broadcast radio station.
Download the Hazards Near Me App (this will have the latest warnings and information).

Visit the SES website - Homepage | NSW SES

And/or click on the following links:

BOM - Tropical Cyclone Alfred Tracking - Tropical Cyclone Forecast Track Map for NSW

NSW SES Flood Warnings and Advice Nambucca River – Macksville and Bowraville - Homepage | NSW SES

Nambucca Valley Council Flood Camera (live Stream) - Flood Camera Monitoring - Nambucca Valley Council

Live Traffic – NSW Road Information - Live Traffic NSW or download the Live Traffic App

List of Emergency Contacts can be found on the following link - Emergency Contacts - Nambucca Valley Council

Report issues to Council - Antenno App for Android or iOS