Responsible Pet Ownership & Barking Dogs

Barking Dogs

Why do dogs bark?

Dogs are social animals and often bark when they are lonely.

Separation from an owner can cause dogs bark because they are stressed.   

Barking may be the result of boredom and frustration.

Barking is a dog's way of seeking attention from its owner.

Dogs bark out of fear - this can be fear of people, objects, or other dogs.

Dogs bark when there is a threat to their territory. Some breeds have a reputation for barking.

Helpful ideas to help entertain your pet and stop barking can be found here(PDF, 92KB)

Controlling barking

The most important step in stopping nuisance barking is to work out why your dog is barking. Once you know the cause, you can find a remedy. Excessive barking can be managed in several ways.

My neighbour's dog barks - what can I do?

Conversation is key! Talk to your neighbour or give them the Dear Neighbour letter (PDF)(PDF, 28KB)  as soon as the problem arises. They may not be aware that their dog is barking or that their dog's barking is bothering you.

If the barking persists after a week or two, speak with your neighbour to provide feedback.

If your neighbour is unapproachable, or does not agree that a problem exists, you should contact Council for further advice, or report a barking dog using our Report a Problem/Request form on the website here.