Indian Myna Control

Indian Myna Control

Welcome to the Mid North Coast Indian Myna Control Project website

The Indian Myna Control Project is a joining of two community driven projects funded by the NSW Environmental Trust covering the Coffs Harbour, Bellingen and Nambucca Local Government Areas and the Hastings and Macleay LGA’s. The projects seek to reduce the impacts of the growing Indian myna invasion in our urban and rural environments.

All enquiries regarding Indian Myna control program please contact Nambucca Valley Council on 6568 2555.

The web site provides you with background information on this feral species and how you can participate in the population reduction program. You'll find all the latest news on Indian mynas, as well as details of up-coming events and activities in your local area.


Indian Myna Profile

The Indian myna (Acridotheres tristis) belongs to the Starling family; a group of birds which includes another invasive species, the Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris).

The Indian Myna was introduced to Australia from southern Asia in the 1860's as a biological control agent. Birds were released in Melbourne to control insect pests in market gardens and also in Cairns to control the Cane Beetle. From these points, they rapidly established along the eastern coast of Australia, including Tasmania and are spreading to other parts of the country, with recent sightings in Darwin, Adelaide and Perth.

Indian Mynas in Austraila – Current Distribution

Indian Myna birds are commonly found in urban environments. They often congregate around shopping centres, schools and picnic areas scavenging for food. They can often be seen perched on power lines and roof tops and in open grassy areas where they hunt for insects and worms. They frequent backyard gardens to exploit left over pet food. Mynas also thrive in rural landscapes where agricultural activities provide them with a range of habitats and feeding options. They often congregate near cattle farms and dairies where feedlots are readily accessible. Racing stables, piggeries and farms with poultry coops are also prime scavenging areas for Indian mynas.

Indian Myna


If you are unsure of whether you are looking at an Indian myna or native Noisy miner, observe what the bird is feeding on. The native Noisy miner belongs to the honeyeater family of birds and can be often seen foraging for nectar on flowering shrubs. If the bird you are observing is feeding on pet food, meat scraps or stock feed, then it is more likely to be the Indian myna.

Noisy Miner

Behaviour & Habits

Indian Mynas are ominivorous scavengers, able to utilise a wide range of food types including insects, meat, fruits, vegetables, pet food and stock feed. They favour open grassy areas, rarely venturing into closed canopy forests. At night they gather to sleep in communal roosts under bridges, in large dense trees, or empty buildings.

The Myna's behaviour is seasonal. They form breeding pairs from September to March and can raise multiple clutches per year, with 4-5 chicks per clutch. After March, the Mynas join larger groups and move to communal roosts where they can number in the hundreds. They split up in the mornings, travelling in small family groups to look for food and often visit regular feeding sites.

Indian mynas are non-migratory, however resident populations are highly mobile and display local seasonal movements between known habitats.

The Problem with Indian Mynas

Indian Mynas are a highly invasive species and have become a serious problem in both urban and rural landscapes. They are opportunists, able to adapt to a range of conditions and to exploit a wide variety of different food types. Indian mynas were recently ranked third on the “List of the World's 100 Most Invasive Species” by the World Consevation Union. Their impacts include:

  • Reduced biodiversity

  • Mynas are extremely aggressive, competing with native wildlife for scarce resources. They evict animals and birds from their nests, attack chicks of other species and breed in tree hollows rendering them un-useable by other wildlife. This is of particular concern, as approximately 15% of our land-dwelling vertebrate species depend on tree hollows for shelter or breeding throughout some stage of their life.
  • Reduced aesthetics

  • Indian mynas can form communal roosts which consist of hundreds of birds. The noise and fouling around nesting and roost sites can be considerable and in public places such as schools and shopping centres, also pose a health risk.
  • Agricultural pest

  • Mynas are an agricultural pest, contaminating stock feed and causing damage to fruit and grain crops. Mynas have recently been implicated in bacterial contamination of milk through fouling of dairy feedlots.
  • Damage to infrastructure

  • Myna nests can block spouting on roofs, often causing internal water damage to buildings.
  • Disease vector

  • Indian Mynas are carriers of bird mite which can cause severe itching and dermatitis. They also carry other avian diseases such as psittacosis and salmonellosis which can potentially impact on human health.


Indian Myna Control Project

The main objectives of the project are:

  • To co-ordinate and service community groups, individuals and government agencies in Indian myna trapping and control activities.
  • To assist with the preparation, review and monitoring of future strategies in Indian myna control in the LGA's of Nambucca, Bellingen and Coffs Harbour
  • Monitor and collect data relating to bird locations and numbers within the designated area
  • Collect, record and map data collected on birds numbers and impacts of trapping/eradication activities
  • Develop promotional materials, documents and website access for a public awareness program
  • Develop and deliver education and information workshops relating to the Indian Myna Project.
  • On ground implementation of the Indian Myna Control Project commenced in April 2009, with an Indian Myna Project Officer employed part-time to coordinate activities to March 2014
  • April 2014 Coffs Harbour, Bellingen & Nambucca Councils are the coordinator's for the project. 
  • Nambucca Valley Council's Environmental Project Officer can supply traps and euthanise trapped birds.

Indian Myna Control Handbook

The Indian Myna Control Handbook is a key resource for project volunteers and will help you to:

  • Identify the Indian Myna
  • Understand the behaviours and habits of Indian Mynas
  • Stop the invasion in your own backyard
  • Use Myna traps
  • Ensure humane handling of captured birds
  • Monitor and report bird feeding and roost sites

 Download Indian Myna Handbook

Indian Myna Population Reduction Program

The aim of the population reduction program is not only to reduce the number of Indian Mynas where they already exist, but to also prevent their spread into new areas. This requires a strategy which employs a range of different techniques such as trapping, shooting and other preventative measures. A diversity of approaches means that everyone in the community can play a part in stemming the invasion of Indian mynas in their backyard.

For the project to be successful we need volunteers throughout the community to undertake a range of activities which contribute to the population reduction program. The program requires a coordinated approach and cooperation between community stakeholders and government agencies at all levels. The chart below provides details of how the program is structured and how you can contribute according to your energy and skill level.

Establishing an Effective Myna Control Network in your Community

Indian Myna Control Project Area

Project Overview

In 2008 Nambucca Valley Landcare, in partnership with Bellinger and Coffs Regional Landcare were successful in applying for Environmental Trust funding to implement the Indian Myna Control Project on the NSW mid north coast. Under the Restoration and Rehabilitation Community Grants Program, $100,000 was secured to employ an Indian Myna Project Officer, responsible for project coordination, and implementation of on-ground activities.

The first stage of the project ended in April 2011, but a further funding extension was provided by the NSW Environmental Trust.  From April 2014 the project has been administered by the Local Councils in your area.

Sightings Map

Are Indian mynas present in your neighbourhood? Contact Nambucca Valley Council on 6568 2555 to report any new areas of invasion.

Map of reported myna sightings throughout the project area.

Trapping Results

No. volunteer trappers No. trapped Myna birds
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 1 Stage 2
Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 1 Year 2 Year 3 Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 1 Year 2 Year 3
Bellingen 32 27 32 2542 125 172 161 57 325
Nambucca 50 45< 40 30 51 234 376 234 208 296
CoffsHarbour 73 68 103 63118 601 602 761 315 563
Totals across Project Area 155 140 175 118 211 960 1, 150 1,156 4501184

Although the trapping success rate for this reporting period is at peak level compared to previous years, the number of volunteers participating in trapping, as well as the number of birds trapped is lower than any other period over Stage 1 and 2 (refer to Figure 1 & 2 below). This reinforces volunteer trapper observations that while mynas commonly re-infest a site after trapping, the overall number of Indian mynas and flock sizes observed have gradually reduced over time. Database records of reported myna sightings also point to this. For example, the frequency of reported sightings of large myna flocks numbering more than 20 individuals has steadily decreased over the life of the project (Stage 1, Yr1 – 50 reports, Yr 2 – 32 reports, Stage 2, Yr 1 – 28 reports, Yr 2 to date – 21 reports). These are encouraging results, which indicate that long-term trapping activities can keep myna numbers down, which in turn reduces competition with native wildlife, as well as reducing other impacts to urban and natural landscapes. 


Indian Myna Control Related Links

Government Links

  1. Nambucca Valley Council
    Council provides a large range of services to the Nambucca Valley community.
  2. Bellingen Shire Council
    Council provides a large range of services to the Bellingen Shire community.
  3. Coffs Harbour City Council
    Coffs Harbour has an estimated population of 77,277 (2019, ABS), which includes Corindi, Upper Corindi and Red Rock residents.
  4. Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
  5. Kempsey Shire Council
  6. The Centre for Invasive Species Solutions
    Current management strategies and research findings available for a range of invasive species

Non-Government Links

  1. Birds in Backyards
    Birds in Backyards is a research, education and conservation program focusing on the birds that live where people live. Get involved by becoming a member and taking part in our online surveys. Learn about how you can create bird-friendly spaces in your garden and local community.
  2. Canberra Indian Myna Action Group
    The Canberra Indian Myna Action Group Inc (CIMAG) is a community group formed in April 2006 to reduce the impact of this exotic invader on our native birds and animals.
  3. IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group
  4. Bellinger Landcare
  5. Nambucca Valley Landcare
  6. Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare
  7. Macleay Landcare
    Dedicated to supporting Landcare activities and skills sharing with agencies, landholders, networks and other Non Government Organisations and Landcare groups across the Macleay Catchment.
  8. Hastings Landcare
    Landcare deals with environmental problems through community action. Rural and urban communities, conservation groups and all levels of government support Landcare’s ethic of natural resource management.
  9. Feral Scan
    Help map sightings of feral animals in your area.
  10. BirdLife Australia
    Trapping Demonstration: How to use your Indian Myna TrapVideo on the trapping procedure for the Pee Gee Indian Myna Trap. Learn all the tricks and tips to increase your chances of successfully trapping mynas in your backyard