Nambucca Koala Management Strategy

The Nambucca Koala Management Strategy is available by clicking here(PDF, 11MB) .

On the 24th September 2015 Nambucca Shire Council endorsed the ‘Koala Habitat Study for the Nambucca Shire Council Coastal Area’ which was prepared by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) and funded under the NSW State Government ‘Saving Our Species’ program. The aim of the Koala Habitat Study (KHS) was to:
  • Examine the historical and recent distribution of koalas in the coastal part of the Nambucca Shire Council Local Government Area (Nambucca LGA), through an analysis of historical records and field surveys.
  • Assess key threats to Koalas within the LGA Coastal Area.
It was the intention of the KHS that the results, outcomes and recommendations of the study would inform Council’s regional and strategic planning and contribute to the preparation of a Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management (CKPoM) for the coastal area of the Nambucca LGA.

Since preparation and endorsement of the KHS, NVC has used the KHS as a reference document, which may be referred to by staff if requesting additional information relating to any development applications.
The CKPoM has not progressed since 2015, which impacts upon the revised Koala Management Strategy 2021 to update the KHS and provide additional baseline information which will inform a future CKPoM prepared in accordance with the requirements of State Environmental Planning Policy (Koala Habitat Protection) 2021 (‘Koala SEPP 2021’).