Draft Plan of Management Farringdon Fields
Draft Plan of Management Farringdon Fields
Public Hearing
Draft Plan of Management
Farringdon Fields - Lot 76 DP 832082 - Marshall Way, Nambucca Heads
Nambucca Valley Council has resolved to exhibit a draft Plan of Management for the Farringdon Fields located on Marshall Way, Nambucca Heads in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993. Given the cultural significance of the site and surrounding area, the draft Plan of Management proposes to re-categorise the land from sporting fields to an area of cultural significance and facilitate the revegetation of the fields. The draft Plan of Management can be viewed via the link below.
Draft-Plan-of-Management-Farringdon-Fields-Lot-76-DP-832082.pdf(PDF, 346KB)
The public submission period has now closed. Council is now providing notice that a public hearing for this matter will be held on 16 January 2025 at the Nambucca Valley Council Chambers located at 44 Princess Street Macksville at 4.00pm. The hearing will be independently chaired.
Persons wishing to make representations at the hearing must pre-register with Council by emailing council@nambucca.nsw.gov.au The closing date for registrations is 11am on the morning of the hearing.
Please note that the intent of the public hearing is to provide the community with an opportunity to expand on written submissions and discuss issues with an independent person in a public forum. The independent facilitator will then provide a report on the matters raised by the community which will be reported back to Council for consideration prior to making a decision on the draft plan of management.
Daniel Walsh
02 6568 2555
PO BOX 177 MACKSVILLE NSW 2447www.nambucca.nsw.gov.au