Draft Plan of Management Farringdon Fields

Public exhibition & community consultation
Draft Plan of Management
Farringdon Fields - Lot 76 DP 832082 - Marshall Way, Nambucca Heads

Nambucca Valley Council has resolved to exhibit a draft Plan of Management for the Farringdon Fields located on Marshall Way, Nambucca Heads in accordance with section 38 of the Local Government Act 1993. Given the cultural significance of the site and surrounding area, the draft Plan of Management proposes to re-categorise the land from sporting fields to an area of cultural significance and facilitate the revegetation of the fields.

Draft-Plan-of-Management-Farringdon-Fields-Lot-76-DP-832082.pdf(PDF, 346KB)

The draft Plan of Management may be inspected at Council's Administration Centre, Princess Street, Macksville, during office hours being 8.30 am to 4.00 pm weekdays from 2 August 2024 until 16 September 2024. Alternatively it can be viewed on Councils website via the link below.

Any person may make written submissions or objections in respect of the draft plan of management which should be lodged with Council no later than 16 September 2024. Submissions must be addressed to the General Manager, Nambucca Valley Council, PO Box 177, Macksville NSW 2447 or sent by email to council@nambucca.nsw.gov.au. It is requested that submissions in support or objection list reasons. The provision of a name, address and contact telephone number will enable Council to inform you about the progress and outcome of the matter. Please note that any submission may be incorporated in a Council business paper or otherwise publicly disclosed. 


Daniel Walsh
02 6568 2555
PO BOX 177 MACKSVILLE NSW 2447www.nambucca.nsw.gov.au