Donations Program 2024/2025

Donations Program 2024/2025

Council can make donations or provide other financial assistance for the purpose of exercising its functions under Section 356 of the Local Government Act.


Council is calling for applications from eligible organisations for financial assistance in the form of small grants. Donations are capped at $500.00 as outlined in Council’s Donations Policy.


All applicants must complete an application form. You can:

  1. Download the Application form for 2024/25 Section 356 Donation Program(PDF, 181KB) to your computer, then fill out electronically and send as an attachment to  OR
  2. Print the Adobe PDF form and fill out by hand, then scan and send via the email address above, or post to Nambucca Valley Council at PO Box 177, Macksville NSW 2447, OR drop off at the Council Offices at 44 Princess Street, Macksville.

The application includes a brief description of the organisation, the organisation’s viability, the purpose of the funding, the ability to acquit the funds by 30 June 2025, and how the project contributes to the Nambucca Valley Community Strategic Plan.


Successful applicants will be determined by Council and funds will be made available in March 2024.


This program opens to applications on Friday, 31 January 2025.


The deadline for applications for the Donations Program is 4:30pm on Friday, 28 February 2025.


For more information on the program, please see the Donations Policy. To complete the application, you will also need to consult the Nambucca Valley Community Strategic Plan.


Copies of the application can be picked up at Council’s Administration Centre, 44 Princess Street, Macksville, or can be posted out upon request. Please contact Teresa Boorer, Grants and Contributions Officer, by Friday, 28 February 2025 on 02 6568 0221 OR by email: should you have any questions.