Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee

Nambucca Valley Council has established an Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee (ARIC) in compliance with section 428A of the Local Government Act 1993, the local Government (General) Regulation 2021 and the Office of Local Government’s Guidelines for risk management and internal audit for local government in NSW. The Terms of Reference for the ARIC set out the committee’s objectives, authority, composition and tenure, roles and responsibilities, reporting and administrative arrangements.


The role of the Committee as required under section 428A of the Local Government Act 1993 is to review and provide independent advice to the Council regarding the following aspects of the Council’s operations:

  • Compliance
  • Risk Management
  • Fraud Control
  • Financial Management
  • Governance
  • Implementation of the Strategic Plan, Delivery Program and Strategies
  • Service Reviews
  • Collection of performance measurement data by the Council.

Council’s Internal Audit Charter provides the framework for the conduct of the internal audit function in the Council and has been approved by the governing body taking into accounts the advice of the ARIC. For more information contact Council's Director Corporate Services, Matthew Sykes on (02) 6568 0205.


The committee consists of an independent chairperson and two independent members who have voting rights and one non-voting councilor, as required under the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.

The governing body is to appoint the chairperson and members of the committee. Current committee members are:

Barry Ford                                                      Independent chairperson (voting)

Elizabeth Jeremy                                           Independent member (voting)

Michael Reardon                                           Independent member (voting)

Councillor Tamara McWilliam                      Councillor member (non-voting)


The Committee meets a minimum of four times a year. The committee must meet separately with the Director Corporate Services (who is the delegated internal audit oversight officer) and the council’s external auditor at least once a year.


Internal Audit Charter

Terms of Reference for the ARIC(PDF, 9MB)

ARIC 2024 Work Plan(PDF, 213KB)

ARIC 2023/2024 Annual Report(PDF, 1MB)