Community Strategic Plan - Community Consultation

Our Valley, Our Future

Nambucca Valley Council is calling on community members to help shape the future of the region by providing input into the refresh of its Community Strategic Plan.

The Community Strategic Plan represents the highest level of strategic planning undertaken by a local council. It is updated every four years to reflect the evolving needs and values of the Nambucca Valley community. The Plan:

  • identifies the main priorities and aspirations of the community over the next ten years, and
  • provides a clear set of objectives to achieve this vision.

It's not just a Council plan - it's the community's plan, and all levels of government, business, education, community groups and individuals have a role to play in achieving our vision for 2035.

How to share your thoughts

Council wants to hear from people across the entire Nambucca Valley. Help shape our future by sharing your lived experiences, values, and hopes for the community over the next 10 years.

There are two main ways you can be involved:

Complete the online survey

Share your thoughts in the online survey. Your feedback will directly influence the vision and themes in the updated Community Strategic Plan. The survey is open from 17 July 2024 to 30 August 2024.

Visit a pop-up and drop-in event

Join us at various locations across the Nambucca Valley over July/August. These are informal sessions designed to gather community input on key issues and opportunities. You can drop-by at any time and share your thoughts.

Details of dates, times and venues for sessions are listed below:

• Macksville - outside Foodworks Supermarket - Wednesday 31 July 2024 9.00am - 12.00pm

• Nambucca Heads - Farmers Market, Gordon Park - Thursday 1 August 2024 2.00pm - 5.00pm

• Valla Beach - outside Nourish Cafe - Tuesday 13 August 2024 8.30am - 10.30am

• Bowraville - outside the IGA - Tuesday 13 August 2024 12.00pm - 2.00pm

• Scotts Head - opposite the Friendly Grocer - Saturday 17 August 2024 8.30am - 10.30am

• Taylors Arm - Pub with No Beer - Saturday 17 August 2024 12.00pm - 2.00pm

• Eungai - Funkya Unkya Market - Sunday 25 August 2024 8.00am - 12.00pm

Why does Nambucca Valley need a ten-year plan?

The NSW Government mandates that all local councils develop and periodically update their short, medium and long-term plans as part of an integrated planning and reporting framework. This includes developing the long-term Community Strategic Plan. This ensures that strategic planning aligns with community needs.

Why update the plan now?

The current Community Strategic Plan requires a substantial update to reflect recent changes in the community. While the Community Strategic Plan is renewed every four years, Council recently considered a report about updating the existing Community Strategic Plan, noting that it needs a more substantial update following demographic and economic changes in more recent years.

This update will align with the local government elections on 14 September 2024 and the requirement for the newly elected Council to adopt a Community Strategic Plan before 30 June 2025.

Will the Community Strategic Plan detail specific projects to be completed by Council?

No. The Community Strategic Plan will outline the community’s objectives on a broader scale. The individual actions and projects required to achieve those objectives will be detailed in the four-year Delivery Program and the annual Operational Plan.

However, the Community Strategic Plan may highlight some of the key projects and directions that help to deliver the longer-term community objectives.

Is this survey the same as the recent community satisfaction survey?

No – it is different. However, this consultation builds on the results of the community satisfaction survey to better understand and test the outcomes of that survey.

How do I stay informed as the project progresses?

This is Council’s dedicated webpage for the latest news, resources, and updates on the plan’s progress. Here, you can find detailed information about the project process and access relevant documents. Read the current Community Strategic Plan:

What happens next?

The outcomes of this initial community engagement will be reported to the new Council after the election. It is expected that there will be more consultation with the community later in the year to further explore the key themes in the new Community Strategic Plan. The draft Community Strategic Plan is expected to be formally exhibited for public feedback around March 2025. The final Plan will be adopted by Council before 30 June 2025.