Disability Access & Inclusion Committee
The Nambucca Valley Disability Access & Inclusion Committee is supported by Council to represent the needs of people with disability in the community to achieve these aims through networking, collaboration, advising and advocacy to Council.
Membership is open to all people with lived experience of disability, including carers, and to disability service organisations.
Disability Access & Inclusion Committee - Terms of Reference(PDF, 148KB)
Last Tuesday of the month
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Council Chambers
Meeting Minutes
Latest meeting minutes(PDF, 239KB)
Current Councillor Delegates:
- Cr Ljubov Simson
- Cr James Angel
- Cr Susan Jenvey - Alternate
For more information or to get involved, please contact Community Development Officer on 6568 2555 or jocelyn.box@nambucca.nsw.gov.au