Telecommunications Tower - Macro Base Station South Arm
Following the bushfires of 2019 telecommunications blackspots were highlighted as a key issue for the community, emergency services and government and non-government organisations. Council sought to find solutions where possible for these bushfire impacted communities. Council was successful in its application for telecommunications funding under the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund (BLERF) and has signed a funding agreement for $971,250. Various factors, including access to power, backhaul, remoteness, practicality and cost were considered in trying to gain the best coverage outcome for our community. Telstra’s detailed feasibility study for South Arm identified a solution and the process of community notification of the proposal has sought to allay any concerns.
The site is located on cleared land beside South Arm Road where it loops around a ridge approximately 360 metres east of Grants Bridge and 2,100 metres west of the McHughes Creek Road intersection. The tower will be located on privately owned land with Telstra to be provided with permanent tenure of the site.
The design process was begun in July 2022 and construction commenced on the 2 May 2023 with construction and activation occurring around the 30 June 2023.

8 May 2023 Construction of access road and clearing for tower and communication building

29 May 2023 40m tower assembled from 4 large sections

7 Jul 2023 4G Tower and communications building completed and site fully functioning